Like many of us creative types, this Lockdown Thing has been hard - in theory, lots of time to create, in practice (and particularly for me, living on my own) a lot of time spent doing essential scut-work and no energy left at the end of the day. And the sewing machine parts have been flying out of the door into the Post Office, for which I am suitably grateful...
So, my Commitment...
Two big boxes of smaller boxes. The surgeon found rather more of a mess than we had hoped (and why wasn't I given better advice beforehand?) Eh? Would it have been so hard to say "limit this sort of bending, don't twist" at some point before the surgery? Now I'm much more limited forever, it would have been good to get in some practice.. And how about the Booklet about Back Surgery before, instead of after, rather than 3 copies of the "How to avoid blood clots" which I got? Or it is, perhaps that too many people, faced with 6-12 weeks of recovery, just run away screaming?
Anyway, I have to re-sort all my fabrics, cut the dross, fold, pick, pack some for sale (next year!, that seems like a long way off) and destash generally. And, more smaller lighter boxes, more shelves, fewer heavy loads.. Nothing over 2 kilos above my head...
These arrived yesterday, 20 medium and 30 smaller boxes.. HB has put the first couple of full ones needing sorted on to the big table, and I'm going up to start. I'm going to set a timer, maximum of1/2 hour at a time, and see how it goes...
And, I will get to revisit my Stash..
Onwards and Upwards