Thursday 28 March 2019


Roadkill - Fruit Salad

Death of Literacy - in Tesco's

Lacy leaves

Sunday 17 March 2019

International Quilt Day

At Haddiscoe Village Hall
Made lots of blocks for charity quilts, had stunningly good lunch, staggered home. By gum, I'm stiff today

Thursday 7 March 2019

Glasgow, City of Interesting Architecture and Appalling Driving

Buildings, as promised.. Terrible roads, lumpy and full of roadworks, and by gum, bad manners..
Show is fun, more images of quilts tomorrow, but here's HB with her Silver Prize Winner "Lava Flow"

And, more-or-less randomly, some buildings as seen this morning

Wednesday 6 March 2019

North of the Border

In Paisley. Nice buildings (photos tomorrow, if not too rainy) and the Scottish Quilting Show (starts tomorrow, till Sunday)
Stand all set up, and ready to roll!