Sunday 30 June 2024

More Little Pleasures

 Been working too hard, but these help...



Mochi with garden fruit

Cheery cherries

Charming cats 

More charming cats (that is, made from 5 inch charm squares)

And raspberry and lemon Bundt cake, GF and utterly delicious...

Friday 14 June 2024

Little Pleasures of Life

 A phrase John and I used frequently, and a new series, with the idea of finding a little more delight in a sometimes rather tiresome daily round

I tipped the barrow over so it would not fill with rain. Ants, ever-resourceful, made use of the cover
While cutting the grass (and, incidentally, recovering my errant keys, this lovely feather, about 2 inches long, was given
And, fresh from the garden, raspberries and strawberries for my pudding
Woodpecker, peckish
And another small project finished, quilted, bound, and tbh, better than I thought I could do...

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Tin for Ten

10 inches square, horrid sparkly fabric and light blue supplied by the Modern Group, all improv outer blocks in Oakshott
Another job just about done...


Tuesday 11 June 2024

Little, and Large(r)

Tall Trees - Silk miniature for FOQ
Wee kittens - scissors for scale... All free-cut and improv-pieced
And the top is assembled for my "Trad Jazz" new pattern, also going to FOQ...