Friday, 28 February 2025

Garden comes alive, and Tigers are Gothy

First sparks of my "lasagne" planted pot...
Tiny irises. I managed to put enough gravel on the pots to keep out the mice this year
Gothy Tiger 4'6" square
New Goth Baby Quilt - this is Gothy Tiger
Free to a good home - conditions - you must ask for yourself or your child, not for "a friend" or "they might like", and no, Linus isn't going to want this...
Plain fabrics are all Oakshott shot cottons, so this is washable. Cotton wadding


and primroses...


Sunday, 2 February 2025

Despite the Sunshine...

 ...I'm tired and I hurt. This Getting Old is not for the faint-hearted...
I did manage a walk on the beach yesterday, at Kessingland.  Nice dogs, lots of pebbles, driftwood, large and small boats

Entertaining wall art (actually a very nicely-decorated village, with many stained-glass doors and the like) - the house this was on had three of these and lots of boaty motifs all round
I assume this will have plants later - like the idea

Lovely crusty paintwork...

And, is it a bird?

Actually, no, seaweed...

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Word (Phrase) For The Year

Delayed by brain-fog and tiredness. I do not recommend this year's flu, try another kind for best results

Anyway, this year I found a phrase -

"What Have We Here"

Thinking on...

Just remaking the Tutor Boxes page, removing the old MQGB site, sorting my sewing room and doing a deal of lying down...

All the old samples heading off to new homes, thanks to all who requested...
Links here for the new pages