Hello again. Sorry for the long hiatus, caused by life being more exciting than blogging, for a change....
Anyhow, back again, still in the middle of the grand clearup for the New Year, and about to start making again... Phew
And here's the new Teaching List for the first quarter - image for the Spiral Thing class...
Friday 16th January 1 till 5 pm
Fabric Postcards £17-50
Make a little work of art (or two) and send them winging on their way.
Fun, easy, and addictive...
Friday 23rd January 11 till 5
Screen Print for Beginners £35
Learn to prepare and use a Screen to Stencil and make Screen Monoprints Price includes inks and use of equipment, bring your own fabric/paper. 5 students only; if this class is full I will schedule another...
Saturday 24th January
Play With Dyes Day £30
Block and transfer print, Procion dyes, discharge, etc. etc. Not for complete beginners, please.
Book both the above together, deduct £5
Friday 30th January 11 till 4
Sheer Delight £28
Make a small panel with transparent, translucent and filmy fabrics including voiles, organdy, Lutradur and scrim. Use transfer printing, spray-painting, and hot-cutting to make a small piece to hang in the light.. . Materials provided
Friday 6th February 11 till 4
H is for Heat £35
A class with Alison Couchman, who will be teaching here several times this year. Alison is a skilled and entertaining teacher and has a very good grasp of her subjects.
These are the first installments of an A to Z of Textiles.
The ways that different materials react to heat is endlessly fascinating and varied. We will use hot air guns and soldering irons to fuse, texture and distress a range of materials. Experiment with different materials, layering, adding colour and using heat to change them in exciting ways. The heated materials can be used to make jewellery, panels for applique, used on vessels or a wide range of other applications.
Saturday 14th February
I will be teaching a Seminole Tote Bag at Quilters Haven. £30 Please book directly on 01728 746275 or
www.quilters-haven.co.ukWednesday 18th February
I will be teaching
Textures Of Summer at Quilters Haven. £30
Please book directly on 01728 746275 or
www.quilters-haven.co.uk< href="http://www.helenhowestextiles.co.uk/class/spiralthingclass.html">Spiral Thing £30
Three-dimensional hanging spiral in defiance of gravity... Easy sewing for a complex result. Price includes fibreglass for the edge of the spiral, and swivels etc..
Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th March
I will be at Chilford with the
Oakshott stand..Saturday 21st March
International Quilt Day at Haddiscoe Village Hall £7 including a hot lunch.
Sewing stuff, trader, quiz, raffles, competitions, show-and-tell, fun for all.
Wednesday 25th March £35
F is for Fibres A class with Alison Couchman
Spend the day exploring different kinds of fibres including making silk paper, denim fibres, cotton and linen fibres and Angelina heat-bondable fibres for a bit of sparkle. We will investigate ways to add texture and inclusions such as threads and sequins. A great mixture of materials and techniques which can be used to make lots of different surfaces and which have many different uses.
Friday 27th March 11 till 5
Textures Of Summer £25
Make 5 different squares to hang together as a delightful sampler banner of techniques. Easy hand and machine sewing and embellishments...
To book any of the above, please ring Helen on 01508 548137, or
click here to email me