A question that occurs to all of us out here on the wibbly wobbly web from time to time. Am I talking to myself? Probably. Is this wrong? Maybe not. Is it therapeutic? Probably not as much as a real conversation, a night off, or a small treat*, but perhaps there's something in that. Showing Off? Almost certainly....
I have spent many years assuming that Writing (with the Capital Letter) was Too Much to add to all the other creative stuff I do; but I do a lot of writing (small w) in my day-to-day art/making practice, and it has almost all to be quite precise, concise and difficult, - catalogues, instructions, descriptions. To say nothing of Artist's Statements, Titles, and Exhibition Listings. (Which is what I am putting off at the moment.) And the accounts. The latter definitely non-fiction, but still an exercise in serious creativity...
There is an element of Wanting To Do This One day, too, which is perhaps a folly. Writers write. Makers make. Artists art..
And then there's invoices. I hate writing invoices. Quite like getting the cheques in, though...
Made kites today. Haven't felt like a kite maker for a while. Seems a shame to leave all those years of expertise behind, so I'll make them again... And I wound hand-dyed thread from the skeins (wherein they were dyed) into the balls, that will eventually become the little skeins that I sell.. Then I have to make a webpage to show them to the world, so I photograph (see above) skeins and packets, pull up the BBEdit and whaddya know... Write!
I feel sometimes that it would be nice to have a Manager, to do all this stuff for me, but then some of the Admin is fun.
*please note, I don't do chocolate or sweets, but I am very partial to fabric...