Cat loves the hardy geraniums
Strawberries in pots
Clematis Montana on one of two big arches that divide the garden - this was overgrown and horrible, so I hacked it mercilessly last year. Seems to be recovering...
Honeysuckle on the other arch, doing rather too well, may need cutting back
Crocosmia - when I planted this I was expecting "Lucifer" the orange-red type - this seems to be most unusual and has seeded all over the garden
Lily bulbs emerging in a very old pot
Nicotiana in a big pot, hoping for scent at dusk
This lovely and highly-scented pink rose was a present from Lizzie, to go with the golden hop you can just see - the hop is so rambunctious that i have to cut it back every day before breakfast...
Viola "Mystical Pineapple Crush" _ i just had to get these. Bought just before lockdown and still doing really well
Pelargoniums, and a bit more of that hop
Pink pelargoniums, in a hanging basket. i love this colour
My "Fish Rising" sculpture in the herb garden
And John's "Five Fishes" on the back of the shed by the car park (carp ark?)
Indoors is thriving too
I appear to have broken Blogger, so I'll go away. I did have more images...
Oh, perhaps not. The greenhouse casts a spell on next-door's wall
Enough for tonight...