Hello again..
Still limping, but better than yesterday (been practicing)
Still working on the Green Tiger thing (now almost certainly going to be called Burning Bright)
I have made the sun, sewn on several trees, then hung it up again to audition more. The very dark ones will be thinner and will be OK, and I think the translucent ones will work OK too. Must resist the urge to add too many new fabrics.. So far I'm quite pleased with this one
I've started quilting the 25 Trees thing (now called Forest of Dreams) - here's a detail.
A friend, looking at this piece online today, said "oh, the small tree pieces" - each of the blocks on this are 12 to 14 inches high. I have started to use the leftovers constructively, though -
This is the basket they have been living in - I added 50 postcard stiffeners and backs, and have been making 2 cards from each of the leftover background pieces like so
First pair are finished, second pair not quite. I plan to show them together and sell all the cards separately
Incidentally, one of the things I have been doing this week as well as all the Tree stuff, is updating my Postcards pages on my website - I realised that there was absolutely nothing left that was for sale (all sold or posted) so I moved all the old ones back a page and made a new page with all the rest. I shall add this one (made last night after the blog entry) in a few minutes..
It's called Square Tree. Painted needlepoint canvas, quilt offcut, odd block, screen-printed offcut, hand-made cord, stitch... £9.50...
Then I quilted this one at least the middle - need to stand away from it to decide what to do with the edges
And then John came to collect me, and as I walked out of the door I saw this wonderful grey rainy light and my Local (Oak) Trees against the sky
And so to Home, Curry With Prawns, and an early night, perhaps...
A finish! Yay!........................
12 hours ago