First, a painting - Garden Of Eden
This one sat on the easel for weeks, just as an underpainting, then fell out of the brush in an evening or two. Sometimes this happens - the thinking process seems to be a big part of the end result, almost unseen. Other times I find that a steady progress can be made on a piece, with no fits and starts. 24 inches square £275

Then another book - this one is called "Clearly An Alphabet" It has recycled tracing paper pages with remnants of text and lines on, and is filled with words associated with transparency, clarity, and see-through-ness. I have made a few Alphabets, some flow more easily than others, and this one was particularly gratifying to do. I finished with only one letter missing - J. (Jelly, of course, added later) The alphabet parts of these books are meant to be added to - I hope they will be evolutionary in their future lives...
Many thanks to all for comments on my postings over the last few days. I have been in Hibernation all Winter - lacking motivation and full of Sloth. Now the Spring has arrived; my HbA1c is 5.5; I have had a breakthrough on my acupuncture, and I feel like I may be able to Get On With It All....