..which is the title for my Spring Exhibition
Actually started on Saturday, but it has been rather a hardwork weekend and I haven't had time to sit down here before this. I had my usual panic about whether I would have enough work to fill the space and whether it was good enough and coherent enough, but it seems to look all right. The business next-door-but-one had a Grand Opening on Saturday, with much fanfare, big signs, loads of customers - so that didn't hurt. Then they decided not to open on Sunday or Bank Holiday Monday, so I've just spent 2 days apologising for them. Grrr
Anyway, the Big New Thing for me this time is my Artist's Books. I have made a Cabinet full and they are getting a great reaction - I thought that people would think they were silly, but they seem to be much appreciated. Whether anyone will buy one is another story..
Top image is a Japanese bound book in A3 size, image below is "Hanging Book"
"48 Hanging Book
Bamboo, pencils, found text, hand-dyed cotton thread; stitch, disassembling, assembling, suspension.. Approx 14 inches high £55"