I have made a programme for the first quarter, and I am hoping to do much more teaching at the workshop this year..
Sunday 27th January 1 till 4:30
Patchwork Purses £15-00
Easy patchwork and quilting techniques to make a pretty purse in a choice of styles...
Sunday 3rd February 1 till 4:30
Absolute Beginners £15-00
An introduction to basic sewing machine techniques and troubleshooting; you don’t have to fear your machine. You will make a cushion and take it home ready to use...
Tuesday 12th February 11 till 4
Spiral Quilt £25-00
Foundation piecing and invisible machine appliqué combine to make this impressive quilt. Suitable for beginners..See image above...
Saturday 23rd February 11 till 4
Japanese Bookbinding £30-00
Make two delightful and useful Japanese-bound books with your sewing machine.. No glues! Price includes paper and boards for the books.
Friday 7th March 11 till 4
Play With Dyes Day £30-00
Procion dyes, screen-printing, and transfer dyes. Make your fabric sing with colour... Not for complete beginners
To book any of the above,
please ring Helen on 01508 548137, or
email helen@raindropkites.co.ukwww.helenhowestextiles.co.ukWorkshops held at 4, The Raveningham Centre, Beccles Road, Raveningham, Norfolk NR14 6NU